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59.(1) The Department may make a scheme, to be administered by the Department
of Finance, for granting to private tenants allowances, calculated in
accordance with the scheme by reference to their needs and their resources,
towards the rent payable under their tenancies in respect of the dwellings
occupied under those tenancies.

(2) A scheme under paragraph (1) is referred to in this Part as an "allowance

(3) No allowance towards the rent of a dwelling shall be granted by virtue of
this Article to any person who occupies a dwelling in pursuance of a contract
of service the terms of which require that he must be provided with a dwelling
at a rent specified in the contract or without payment of rent.

(4) In this Part "private tenant" means a tenant under any tenancy except

(a)a tenancy under which the estate of the landlord belongs to

(i)the Executive; or

(ii)a registered housing association;

(b)a tenancy the purpose of which is to confer on the tenant the right to
occupy a dwelling-house for a holiday.

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