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23.(1) Where a tenant has paid on account of rent any amount which, by virtue
of this Part, is irrecoverable by the landlord, then, subject to paragraph
(3), the tenant who paid it shall be entitled to recover that amount from the
landlord who received it or his personal representatives.

(2) Subject to paragraph (3), any amount which a tenant is entitled to recover
under paragraph (1) may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, be
deducted by the tenant from any rent payable by him to the landlord.

(3) No amount which a tenant is entitled to recover under paragraph (1) shall
be recoverable at any time after the expiry of two years from the date of

(4) Any person who, in any rent book or similar document, makes an entry
showing or purporting to show any tenant as being in arrears in respect of any
sum on account of rent which is irrecoverable by virtue of this Part shall be
guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding #400, unless he proves
that, at the time of the making of the entry, the landlord had a bona fide
claim that the sum was recoverable.

(5) If, where any such entry has been made by or on behalf of any landlord,
the landlord on being requested by or on behalf of the tenant to do so,
refuses or neglects to cause the entry to be deleted within seven days, the
landlord shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding
#400, unless he proves that, at the time of the neglect or refusal to cause
the entry to be deleted, he had a bona fide claim that the sum was

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