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Staff, inquiries, and experiments.

15.(1) The Board of Trade may (with the concurrence of the Treasury as to
number and salary) appoint or employ such persons as appear to them to be
required for carrying this Act into effect, and may hold such inquiries, and
make such experiments as they think expedient for that purpose.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act the remuneration of any such
persons, and the expenses incurred by the Board in relation to any inspection,
inquiry, or experiment under this Act shall (to an amount approved by the
Treasury) be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament.

(3) It shall be the duty of every railway company to give all reasonable
facilities (subject to the due working of their traffic) for conducting any
experiments made by the Board of Trade for the purpose of this Act, but such
experiments shall be made without risk or expense to the railway company
except as may be otherwise agreed, and except in case of default on the part
of the railway company in conducting the experiments.

(4) Where under this Act any objections are referred to a referee instead of
to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, section three of the Board of Trade
(Arbitrations, &c.) Act, 1874, shall apply as if the referee were appointed on
an application made in pursuance of a special Act, and the objectors were
parties to the application within the meaning of that section.

(5) Where the Board of Trade hold a special inquiry with reference to an
objection to a proposed rule on the application of the objector, the person
appointed to hold the inquiry may, if on the inquiry it appears to him that
the circumstances were not such as to render a special inquiry necessary,
order the objector to pay the whole or any part of the costs certified by the
Board to have been incurred by them in holding the special inquiry, and any
amount so ordered to be paid may be recovered as a debt due to the Crown.

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