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Northern Irish Legislation

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Application to rescind or vary rules.

10.(1) Any person affected by any rule made under this Act, which has been in
operation for a period exceeding three months, may apply to the Board of Trade
to make a rule rescinding or varying the same. Such application shall be made
in writing and shall be accompanied by a statement of the grounds upon which
it is made.

(2) If any such application is made within eighteen months after the date on
which the rule in respect of which the application is made has come into
operation, and the Board of Trade decline to entertain the application, the
Board of Trade shall, if requested by the person making the application, refer
it to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, and the Commissioners shall
consider and decide whether the application is reasonable or not, as if it
were an objection to a rule under this Act, and if they decide that the
application is reasonable, the Board of Trade shall propose a rule to meet it.

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