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Northern Irish Legislation

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1.(1) The Board of Trade may, subject to the provisions of this Act, make such
rules as they think fit with respect to any of the subjects mentioned in the
schedule to this Act, with the object of reducing or removing the dangers and
risks incidental to railway service.

(2) Where the Board of Trade consider that avoidable danger to persons
employed on any railway arises from any operation of railway service (not
being a matter in respect to which rules may be made under the foregoing
provisions of the section), whether that danger arises from anything done or
omitted to be done by the railway company or any of its officers or servants,
or from any want of proper appliances or plant, they may, subject to the
provisions of this Act, after communicating with the railway company, and
giving them a reasonable opportunity of reducing or removing the danger or
risk, make rules for that purpose.

(3) The Board of Trade may, by any rules made under this section, require
amongst other matters the use of any plant or appliance which has been shown
to the satisfaction of the Board of Trade to be calculated to reduce danger to
persons employed on a railway, or the disuse of any plant or appliance which
has been similarly shown to involve such danger.

(4) The Board of Trade shall, by any rule made by them under this section,
give a reasonable time for carrying out the requirements of the rule.

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