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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RAILWAYS CLAUSES CONSOLIDATION ACT 1845

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109. For better enforcing the observance of all or any of such regulations it
shall be lawful for the company, subject to the provisions of the
Railway Regulation Act, 1840, to make bye laws, and from time to time to
repeal or alter such bye laws, and make others, provided that such bye laws be
not repugnant to the laws of that part of the United Kingdom where the same
are to have effect, or to the provisions of this or the special Act; and such
bye laws shall be reduced into writing, and shall have affixed thereto the
common seal of the company; and any person offending against any such bye law
shall forfeit for every such offence any sum not exceeding five pounds, to be
imposed by the company in such bye laws as a penalty for any such offence; and
if the infraction or non-observance of any such bye law or other such
regulation as aforesaid be attended with danger or annoyance to the public, or
hindrance to the company in the lawful use of the railway, it shall be lawful
for the company summarily to interfere to obviate or remove such danger,
annoyance, or hindrance, and that without prejudice to any penalty incurred by
the infraction of any such bye law.

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