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31. The Abandonment of Railways Act, 1850, shall extend and apply to all
companies authorized to make railways by Act of Parliament passed before the
present session, subject and according to the following provisions:

Para.(1) rep. by 1869 c.114 s.10; para.(2) rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

(3)Nothing in the said Act of 1850 or this Act shall be deemed to make it
obligatory on the Board of Trade to authorize the abandonment of a railway or
part of a railway on any application in that behalf, and the Board of Trade
shall not authorize such abandonment in any case unless it appears to them
just and expedient so to do; and the Board of Trade may, if they think fit,
refuse in any case to authorize such abandonment, except on condition of the
money deposited as security for the completion of the railway, or the stocks,
funds, or securities on which the same is invested, or the money secured by
any bond conditioned for completion of the railway, or for payment of money in
default thereof, being applied as part of the assets of the company.

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