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Northern Irish Legislation

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Company to keep printed copies of scheme for sale.

20. The company shall at all times keep at their principal office printed
copies of the scheme, when confirmed and enrolled, and shall sell such copies
to all persons desiring to buy the same at a reasonable price, not exceeding
[2p] for each copy.If the company fail to comply with this provision, they
shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, and to a further
penalty not exceeding five pounds for every day during which such failure
continues after the first penalty is incurred, which penalties shall be
recovered and applied as penalties under the
Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, are recoverable and applicable.

S.22 rep. by 1962 c.30 s.30(2)(d) sch.4 Pt.IV

Priority of mortgages.

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