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Northern Irish Legislation

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Board of Trade may require bridge instead of level crossing.

7. The Board of Trade may, if it appears to them necessary for the public
safety, at any time after the passing of the special Act, require the company,
within such time as the Board of Trade directs, and at the expense of the
company, to carry the turnpike road or public carriage road either under or
over the railway by means of a bridge or arch, instead of crossing the same on
the level, or to execute such other works as, under the circumstances of the
case, may appear to the Board of Trade best adapted for removing or
diminishing the danger arising from the level crossing.

Where the road is so carried either under or over the railway, it shall not be
necessary for the company to erect or maintain a lodge at the point where the
road is crossed, or to appoint a person to watch or superintend the crossing
thereat, nor shall they be liable to any penalty for failure so to do.

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