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Northern Irish Legislation

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Company to erect lodge at point of crossing, &c.

6. For the greater convenience and security of the public, the company shall
erect and permanently maintain a lodge at the point where the railway crosses
on the level the turnpike road or public carriage road; and the company shall
be subject to and shall abide by all such regulations with regard to the
crossing thereof on the level, or with regard to the speed at which trains may
pass the level crossing, as may from time to time be made by the Board of

If the company fails to erect, or to maintain, such lodge, or to appoint or
keep a proper person to watch or superintend the level crossing, or to observe
or abide by any such regulation as aforesaid, they shall for every such
offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, and also to a
penalty of ten pounds for every day during which the offence continues after
the penalty of twenty pounds is incurred.

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