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Provision for cesser of powers as to steam vessels, on report from Board of Trade.

35. In every seventh year after the passing of the special Act, reckoned from
the first day of January next after its passing, the Board of Trade, if they
are of opinion that the interests of the public are prejudicially affected by
the exercise of the powers of the company relative to steam vessels, may give
to the company notice in writing thereof, and of the reasons on which that
opinion is founded; and if the company does not before the beginning of the
then next session of Parliament make provision to the satisfaction of the
Board of Trade for protection of the interests of the public, or if the injury
done to the interests of the public is in the opinion of the Board of Trade
incapable of being remedied by the company, then the Board of Trade, at the
beginning of the session of Parliament then next following, shall report to
both Houses of Parliament such their opinion, and the reasons on which that
opinion is founded; and at the expiration of twelve calendar months after the
presentation to the Houses of Parliament of that report, the powers of the
company relative to steam vessels, or such of them, as are specified in the
report, shall, unless Parliament in the meantime otherwise provides, cease to
be exercised.

Part V (ss.3655) rep. by SLR 1966

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