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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RAILWAYS CLAUSES ACT 1863

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Access to the shore under or across the railway.

16. Where the railway cuts off access between the land and a tidal water or
tidal lands, then and in every such case the company shall, during the
construction of the railway, and from time to time thereafter, make, and shall
permanently maintain, and allow to be used by all persons, at all times, free
of toll or other charge, all such footways and carriageways over, under, or
across the railway, or on a level therewith, as the Board of Trade from time
to time directs or approves: Provided always, as follows:

(1)The company shall not be obliged to make a footway or carriageway over
lands for the use of an owner or occupier who has agreed to receive and has
been paid compensation for the severance thereof from the tidal water or tidal

(2)The company shall not be obliged to make or to allow to be made a footway
or carriageway in such manner as would interfere with the working or using of
the railway:

(3)The expense of the making and maintenance of a footway or carriageway
required to be made after the construction of the railway shall be defrayed by
the persons or body interested in the tidal water or tidal lands for whose
benefit or convenience the same is required.

Prohibition of deviation without consent of Board of Trade.

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