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Northern Irish Legislation

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User of bridges.

15. Where the company constructs a bridge with an opening span, it shall not
be lawful for the company to detain any vessel, barge, or boat at the bridge
for a longer time than may be necessary for admitting a carriage or engine
traversing the railway and approaching the bridge to cross the bridge, and for
opening the bridge to admit the vessel, barge, or boat to pass; and the
company shall be subject to and shall abide by such regulations with regard to
the user of the bridge as may from time to time be made by the Board of Trade.

If the company detains a vessel, barge, or boat longer than the time
aforesaid, or fails in any respect to abide by any such regulation as
aforesaid, they shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not
exceeding twenty pounds, without prejudice to any remedy against them for any
loss or damage sustained by any person.

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