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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RAILWAYS CLAUSES ACT 1863

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Signals, watchmen, &c.

12. The company or person with whose railway the junction is made may from
time to time erect such signals and conveniences incident to the junction,
either on their or his own lands or on the lands of the company making the
junction, and may from time to time appoint and remove such watchmen,
switchmen, or other persons, as may be necessary for the prevention of danger
to or interference with the traffic at and near the junction. The working and
management of such signals and conveniences, wherever situate, shall be under
the exclusive regulation of the company or person with whose railway the
junction is made; and all the expenses of erecting and maintaining those
signals and conveniences, and of employing those watchmen, switchmen, and
other persons, and all incidental current expenses, shall, at the end of every
half year, be repaid by the company making the junction, and in default
thereof may be recovered from them in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Lights on works.

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