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> Part III Ss. 15 17 rep. by 1891 c.39 s.123 sch.3. S.18 rep. by 1908 c.69 s.286 sch.6 Pt.I. S.19 amends s.11 of 1884 c.62. S.20 rep. by 1891 c.39 s.123 sch.3

30.(1) If in any case the residue or any part thereof of the estate or effects
of a deceased officer, seaman, or marine, having been received by the
Admiralty, remains undisposed of or unappropriated for a period of six years
and a-half from the date of the receipt by the Admiralty of notice of the
death, the Admiralty shall, as soon as may be after the expiration of that
period, pay or credit the said residue or part to the Greenwich Hospital
capital account. Provided that this section shall not apply to any sums
received by the Admiralty before the first day of April one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-three, and that the application under this section of any
residue, or part of a residue, shall not bar any subsequent claim of any
person to the same.

(2) This section shall be construed as part of the
Navy and Marines (Property of Deceased) Act, 1865.

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