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Amendment of 1866 c.39 as to what constitutes vouchers in the case of certain payments out of money granted for army and navy services.

14. ... Where payment out of money granted by Parliament for army services or
navy services is made in respect of pay, wages, pensions, gratuities, or
allowances to persons who are serving or have served in any of Her Majesty's
naval or military forces, or are, or have been employed in any of Her
Majesty's naval or military establishments, such payments may be made and
witnessed in manner for the time being prescribed by regulations approved by
the Treasury; and any pay sheet, list, certificate, or document showing any
such payment when attested by the persons whose duty it is under the said
regulations to make and witness that payment shall be a voucher or proof of
payment for the purposes of section twenty-seven of the
Exchequer and Audit Departments Act, 1866.


This section shall be construed as part of the
Exchequer and Audit Departments Act, 1866.

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