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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RAILWAYS ACT (IRELAND) 1864

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Maintenance by railway companies of fences and drains for accommodation of adjoining lands.

15. Every railway company in Ireland shall cause proper fences to be made and
maintained for separating the land taken for the use of the railway from the
adjoining lands not taken, and shall also provide and maintain proper drains
or other passages, either over or under or by the sides of the railway, to
convey water from or to the lands lying near or affected by the railway, in
the same manner and to the same extent as it was conveyed from or to the said
lands before the making of the railway, or as near thereto as the case may be;
and in case any owner or occupier of such land shall complain of the want of
or insufficiency of any such fences, drains, or passages, it shall be lawful
for such owner or occupier, within five years after the completion of the
works of any railway and the opening of the railway for public use, to present
a memorial to the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, stating the ground
of his complaint; and thereupon the Commissioners shall inquire into the
matter of such complaint, and, if they shall so think fit, the said
Commissioners shall appoint an arbitrator to hear and determine the matter of
the said complaint.

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