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Northern Irish Legislation

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Company not taking possession of or paying for land within a fortnight after award is lodged shall on taking possession pay the value of any crops not included in award.

14. When any railway company shall not take possession of or pay for any land
within one fortnight from the lodgement of the final award of the arbitrator
with the [chief clerk], the said company shall, before taking possession of
the same, in addition to the sum awarded by the arbitrator, pay to the
occupant of any land to be taken the value of any crop existing upon or in the
land at the time of taking possession of same, and which has not been included
in said award; such value to be determined by any three justices of the petty
sessions district in which such lands may be situated, one to be named by the
railway company, one by the occupant of such land, and the third by the two
justices so named.

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