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Northern Irish Legislation

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Prohibition of sweeping, &c. near dockyards, artillery ranges, &c.

8. It shall not be lawful for any person, without permission in writing from a
public department, or from some person authorised by a public department in
that behalf (proof of which permission shall lie on the party accused,) to
gather or search for stores, or to creep, sweep, or dredge in the sea or any
tidal water, within one hundred yards from any vessel belonging to Her Majesty
or in Her Majesty's service, or from any mooring place or anchoring place
appropriated to such vessels, or from any moorings belonging to Her Majesty,
or from any of Her Majesty's wharves, or dock, victualling, or steam factory
yards, or within one thousand yards from any battery or fort used for the
practice of artillery either by the Royal Artillery or by... volunteer
artillery [or from any aerodrome used by the Air Force], or in or on any part
of the spaces or distances, whether covered with water or not, from time to
time marked out as ranges for artillery practice for the use of Her Majesty's
ships, or marked out and appropriated for ranges under the provisions of the
Artillery Ranges Act, 1862.

If any person acts in contravention of this provision he shall be liable, on
summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, or, in the
discretion of the court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two

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