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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PETTY SESSIONS (IRELAND) ACT 1851

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Warrants so backed to be valid for execution.

31. Whenever any warrant, addressed either to the constabulary or any other
person, shall be so indorsed by the said inspector general or by either of the
said deputies inspector general or by any justice or other such officer as
aforesaid, it shall be a sufficient authority to the person bringing such
warrant, and also to all constables or peace officers of the county or place
where such warrant shall be so indorsed, to execute the same by arrest,
committal, or levy, as the case may be, within the jurisdiction of the said
justice or officer, and, in case of a warrant to arrest any person, to convey
him when arrested before the justice or officer by whom the same was issued,
or before some other justice or officer of the same county or place, to be
dealt with according to law:....

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