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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PETTY SESSIONS (IRELAND) ACT 1851

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28. Whenever a warrant shall be addressed to any other person or persons than
the constabulary, and it shall appear that the person against whom the same
shall have been issued, or his goods, as the case may be, are not to be found
within the county in which the justice issuing the same shall have
jurisdiction, but in some other place in Ireland, or in any of the places out
of Ireland herein-before mentioned, it shall be lawful for any justice or
other such officer as aforesaid of such place, upon proof on oath of the
handwriting of the justice who shall have signed the warrant, to indorse the
same for execution in such place in like manner as is herein-before provided
as to any warrant indorsed by the inspector general of constabulary.>

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