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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PETTY SESSIONS (IRELAND) ACT 1851

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27. Whenever any warrant addressed to the sub-inspector of constabulary, or to
any head or other constable, shall be so certified and transmitted to the said
inspector general, the manner in which it shall be backed for execution
elsewhere shall be as follows:

1.Whenever it shall appear that the said person or his goods are to be found
in any place in Ireland, ... it shall be lawful for the said inspector general
or for either of the deputy inspectors general of constabulary to indorse the
said warrant according to the form (Gc), and to transmit the same to the
sub-inspector who shall act for such place; and the same shall be executed in
like manner as any warrant addressed to him in the first instance:

3.Whenever it shall appear that the said person or his goods are to be found
in some place in England or Scotland, or in the Isles of Man, Guernsey,
Jersey, Alderney, or Sark, it shall be lawful for the said inspector general,
or for either of the said deputy inspectors general, [or for a [chief
superintendent of police]], to indorse the warrant, according to form (Gc),
and it shall thereupon be lawful for any justice or officer having power to
issue any warrant, or process in the nature of a warrant, for the arrest of
offenders in any of the said places, upon proof on oath of the handwriting [of
the inspector general, deputy inspector general or [chief superintendent of
police]] by whom the same shall have been indorsed or of the justice [or clerk
of petty sessions] by whom the warrant shall have been issued, to indorse the
same, according to the form (Gc), authorizing its execution within the
jurisdiction of the said justice or officer by the person bringing the same,
or by any constable or other peace officer of the county or place where it
shall be so indorsed:

Backing of warrants addressed to other persons than the constabulary.

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