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Northern Irish Legislation

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Rules for management of Record Office.

9. The Minister of Finance shall (without prejudice to the provisions of
this Act with respect to the disposal of valueless documents) have power to
make rules for carrying this Act into execution, and, in particular, with
respect to all or any of the following matters:

(1) The management of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland;

(2) The admission of persons to the use of the Northern Ireland records,
calendars, catalogues and indexes, in his custody;

(3) The amounts of the fees which he shall think proper to be paid in
connection with the use of the Northern Ireland records under his charge and
superintendence, and the cases in which the payment of fees may be dispensed

(4) Any other matter with respect to which rules may be made under this Act.

Every such rule shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within
twenty-one days after it is made, if Parliament be then sitting, or, if not
sitting, within twenty-one days after the then next meeting of Parliament.

All fees payable in accordance with any such rule shall be pthe credit of the

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© 1923 Crown Copyright

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