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Power to impose levy on pigs sold to, or exported by, persons other than the Board.

5.(1) For the purpose mentioned in section 4(1), the Ministry on the
recommendation of the Committee may, by order made subject to negative
resolution, impose, upon every person other than the Board who sells pigs for
slaughter in Northern Ireland or exports pigs from Northern Ireland, a levy in
respect of each pig sold by him to any person other than the Board or exported
by him from Northern Ireland, not being a pig which is sold for the purposes
of breeding, rearing or fattening in Northern Ireland.

(2) The amount of a levy imposed by an order made under subsection (1) shall
be [of such amount as the Department, on the recommendation of the Committee,
may, by order, determine] and shall be payable to the Committee or, if the
order so provides, to the Ministry on behalf of the Committee.

(3) An order made under subsection (1) may

(a)for the purpose of enabling the liability of persons to pay a levy imposed
under the order to be determined, require every person, other than the Board,
purchasing pigs for slaughter in Northern Ireland or exporting pigs from
Northern Ireland to keep and produce to the Ministry such records and make
such returns to the Ministry as may be specified in the order;

(b)make provision as to the time and place at which and the manner in which
payment of the levy imposed under the order shall be made, including provision
for the payment of the levy by other persons on behalf of persons upon whom
the levy is imposed;

(c)make provision for the recovery of the levy imposed under the order and for
the payment out of the Development Fund of any expenses incurred in recovering
the levy;

(d)provide for the payment of such fees as may be determined by the Committee
to any person authorised to collect on behalf of the Ministry or the Committee
any levy imposed under the order;

(e)make such other provision as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes
of carrying the provisions of the order into effect.

(4) Information contained in records or returns produced or made to
the Ministry in pursuance of a requirement in an order made under subsection
(1) shall not, without the consent in writing of the person by whom the
information was furnished, be disclosed except

(a)in connection with the execution of this Act or any order made thereunder;

(b)for the purposes of any proceedings pursuant thereto or of any report of
such proceedings; or

(c)in the form of a summary of similar returns or information furnished by or
obtained from a number of persons, being a summary so framed as not to enable
particulars relating to the business of an individual person to be ascertained

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