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Short title.

13. This Act may be cited as the Pig Production Development Act (Northern
Ireland) 1964.

1.(1) The Committee shall consist of the following members appointed by
the Minister

(a)two persons nominated by the Ulster Farmers' Union;

(b)two persons nominated by the Board;

(c)one person nominated by the National Pig Breeders' Association (Irish
Members Advisory Committee);

(d)one person nominated by the Northern Ireland Landrace Pig Breeders'

(e)two persons nominated by the Ministry.

(2) Where any of the bodies (other than the Ministry) mentioned in
sub-paragraph (1) ceases to exist or fails, within three months after the
occurrence of any vacancy, to nominate a person for appointment to
the Committee, the Minister may appoint to fill that vacancy a person who in
his opinion is capable of representing the interests which were or are
represented by that body.

2. If a casual vacancy occurs in the membership of the Committee the Minister
shall appoint a person nominated by the body by whom the person whom he
replaces was nominated.

3.(1) Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph, the term of
office of members of the Committee shall be three years.

(2) A person appointed to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office only for the
remainder of the term for which the member whom he replaces was appointed.

(3) A member nominated by the Ministry shall hold office until another person
nominated by the Ministry is appointed in his place, or, if an established
officer on the staff of the Ministry, until he ceases to be an official of
the Ministry, whichever event first occurs.

Sub-para.(4) rep. by SLR 1976

4.(1) Where a member of the Committee is absent from six consecutive meetings
of the Committee, the Committee may by resolution declare that member to be
disqualified for membership of the Committee and thereupon his office as
member of the Committee shall become vacant.

(2) On a member of the Committee

(a)becoming bankrupt or making a composition with his creditors;

(b)being convicted of an indictable offence;

(c)being detained in any place for more than seven days under any enactment
relating to persons of unsound mind and for the time being in force in any
part of the United Kingdom;

(3) A member of the Committee may at any time resign from the Committee by
letter or notice in writing addressed or given to the Minister.

(4) Where any member of the Committee ceases to be a member of the body by
which he was nominated, that body may withdraw his nomination and notify
the Minister in writing of the withdrawal, and thereupon that member shall be
deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

5. A member of the Committee whose term of office expires by effluxion of time
or who has resigned or who is deemed to have resigned shall be eligible for
re-nomination and re-appointment.

1.(1) At the first meeting of the Committee and thereafter at the first
meeting next held after the 1st April in each year the Committee shall elect
one of their members to be chairman.

(2) The chairman so elected shall continue in that office until a new chairman
is elected in accordance with sub-paragraph (1).

(3) An outgoing chairman shall, if he continues to be a member of
the Committee, be eligible for re-election.

(4) At a meeting of the Committee

(a)the chairman shall, if present, be chairman of the meeting;

(b)if and so long as the chairman is not present or if the office of chairman
is vacant, the members of the Committee who are present shall choose one of
their number to be chairman of the meeting.

2.(1) The quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be four.

(2) Every question at a meeting of the Committee shall be determined by a
majority of the votes of the members present and voting on the question, and
in the case of an equal division of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall
have a second or casting vote.

3. The Committee shall have power to act notwithstanding any vacancy in their

4. The common seal of the Committee shall, when applied to a document, be
attested by the signatures of any two members of the Committee authorised by
the Committee to act for that purpose.

5. Any contract or instrument which, if entered into or executed by an
individual, would not require to be under seal may be entered into or executed
on behalf of the Committee by any person generally or specially authorised by
the Committee to act for that purpose.

6.(1) A member of the Committee shall, if he is in any way directly or
indirectly interested in any contract made or proposed to be made by
the Committee which involves or is likely to involve any payment out of
the Development Fund, disclose the nature of his interest at a meeting of
the Committee as soon as possible after the relevant circumstances have come
to his knowledge.

(2) Any disclosure made by a member under sub-paragraph (1) shall be recorded
in the minutes of the Committee and, if the other members of the Committee
present at the meeting so decide, that member shall not take part after the
disclosure in any deliberation or decision of the Committee with respect to
that contract.

(3) Where under sub-paragraph (2) a member is prohibited from taking part in
any deliberation or disclosure, that member shall be disregarded for the
purpose of constituting a quorum of the Committee for any such deliberation or

7. No defect in the appointment of any person acting as a member of
the Committee shall vitiate any proceedings of the Committee in which he has
taken part.

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