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Criminal proceedings.

23.(1) No proceedings for an offence under this Act shall be instituted in
Northern Ireland except by or with the consent of the Attorney General or the

(2) Summary proceedings for any offence under this Act may (without prejudice
to any jurisdiction exercisable apart from this subsection) be taken against a
body corporate at any place at which the body has a place of business, and
against any other person at any place at which he is for the time being.

(3) Notwithstanding any provision in any Act prescribing the period within
which summary proceedings may be commenced, summary proceedings for an offence
under this Act may be commenced at any time within three years after the
commission of the offence and within twelve months after the date on which
evidence sufficient in the opinion of the Attorney General or the Ministry, as
the case may be, to justify the proceedings comes to his or the Ministry's

(4) For the purposes of this section, a certificate of the Attorney General or
the secretary or an assistant secretary of the Ministry, as the case may be,
as to the date on which such evidence as aforesaid came to the Attorney
General's or the Ministry's knowledge shall be conclusive evidence.

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