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Power of court to order delivery of accounts.

17.(1) If any company, having made default in complying with any requirement
of this Act as to the delivery of accounts, fails to make good the default
within fourteen days after the service of a notice on the company requiring it
to do so, the court may on the application of the Registrar or of the Ministry
make an order

(a)directing the company and any officer thereof to make good the default
within such time as may be specified in the order;

(b)if the court thinks fit, prohibiting the acceptance of deposits with the
company until the default is made good;

(c)ordering the costs to be paid by any persons who in the opinion of the
court, are responsible for the default.

(2) If, on an application by the Registrar or the Ministry for an order under
subsection (1) in respect of any default, it appears to the court that the
default is incapable of being made good, the court may, in lieu of making an
order under that subsection, order the company to be wound up.

(3) Nothing in this section shall be taken to prejudice the operation of any
provision of this Act imposing penalties on a company or its officers in
respect of any such default as aforesaid.

Ss. 1820 rep. by 1978 NI 12 art.153(2) sch.7

S.21 amends ss.12, 13 of 1940 c.9 (NI)

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