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Accounts to be supplied to depositors.

11.(1) Subject to subsection (3), every company to which section 6 applies or
to which that section has applied at any time during the previous six months
shall, on receiving a deposit from any person, furnish him without charge with

(a)a copy of the last audited accounts delivered by the company under this Act
and of any other accounts so delivered by the company since the delivery of
those audited accounts; or

(b)if no such accounts have been so delivered, a copy of any prospectus,
statement in lieu of prospectus or other document of which a copy has been
delivered to the Ministry for the purposes of section 10(1).

(2) Subject to subsection (3), any such company as aforesaid shall furnish a
copy of the accounts or other document mentioned in subsection (1) on demand
and without charge to any depositor with the company and to any other person
who signifies to the company that he requires a copy of the accounts or
document with a view to becoming a depositor with the company.

(3) A company shall not be required to furnish a copy of any accounts or other
document under this section to any person to whom a copy of the accounts or
document in question has already been furnished by the company and, without
prejudice to the foregoing provision, a company shall not be required to
furnish a copy of any accounts or other document

(a)under subsection (1), on receiving a deposit from a person who is already a
depositor with the company; or

(b)under subsection (2), to any person (not being a depositor with the
company) to whom the company gives notice that it is unwilling to receive a

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