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Northern Irish Legislation

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6. The following enactments shall be made with a view to facilitate the
identification of criminals:

(1)Registers of all persons convicted of crime in the United Kingdom shall be
kept in such form and containing such particulars as may from time to time be
prescribed, in Great Britain by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of
State, and in Ireland by the Lord Lieutenant:

(4)The register for Ireland shall be kept ... under the management of ... such
... person as the Lord Lieutenant may from time to time appoint:

Para.(5) rep. by SLR (NI) 1954; paras.(6)(9)(11) rep. by SLR 1893 (No.2); 1953
c.18 (NI) s.48 sch.5

<(12)Any expenses incurred in pursuance of this section shall be defrayed as follows; (that is to say,)

The expense of keeping the register ... shall [be paid out of money provided
by the Parliament of the United Kingdom]:


This section shall not apply to the prisons for convicts under the
superintendence of the directors of convict prisons or to any military or
naval prison.

Ss.713 rep. by SLR 1893 (No.2); 1876 c.20 s.5; 1953 c.14 (NI) ss.1(2), 29
sch.3; 1967 c.18 (NI) s.15(2) sch.2 Pt.I; 1968 c.28 (NI) ss.14, 16 schs.3, 4.
S.14 rep. by 1908 c.67 s.134(3) sch.3

Evidence of vagrancy.

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