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Northern Irish Legislation

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Receipt of notice of assignment.

6. Every assurance company to whom notice shall have been duly given of the
assignment of any policy under which they are liable shall, upon the request
in writing of any person by whom any such notice was given or signed, or of
his executors or administrators, and upon payment in each case of a fee not
exceeding [25p], deliver an acknowledgment in writing, under the hand of the
manager, secretary, treasurer, or other principal officer of the assurance
company, of their receipt of such notice; and every such written
acknowledgment, if signed by a person being de jure or de facto the manager,
secretary, treasurer, or other principal officer of the assurance company
whose acknowledgment the same purports to be, shall be conclusive evidence as
against such assurance company of their having duly received the notice to
which such acknowledgment relates.

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