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Northern Irish Legislation

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Notice of assignment.

3. No assignment made after the passing of this Act of a policy of life
assurance shall confer on the assignee therein named, his executors,
administrators, or assigns, any right to sue for the amount of such policy, or
the monies assured or secured thereby, until a written notice of the date and
purport of such assignment shall have been given to the assurance company
liable under such policy at their principal place of business for the time
being, or in case they have two or more principal places of business then at
some one of such principal places of business, either in England or Scotland
or Ireland; and the date on which such notice shall be received shall regulate
the priority of all claims under any assignment; and a payment bona8 fide made
in respect of any policy by any assurance company before the date on which
such notice shall have been received shall be as valid against the assignee
giving such notice as if this Act had not been passed.

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