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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PROMISSORY OATHS ACT 1871

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Persons before whom oaths to be taken.

2. Whereas by the Promissory Oaths Act, 1868, it is provided that the oaths of
allegiance and judicial oath should be taken by each of certain officers
therein mentioned, in manner in which the oaths required to be taken by such
officer previously to the passing of that Act would have been taken; and it is
desirable, with a view to the revision of the statute law, to define the
manner in which such oaths are to be taken: each such officer shall take the
said oaths before such persons as Her Majesty may from time to time appoint;


In Ireland before the [Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland], or in the
[High Court], in open court before one or more of the judges of such court, or
at the quarter sessions of the peace for the county in which the person taking
the oaths acts as justice.

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