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14. Nothing in this Act contained shall affect

<1.... the Parliamentary Oaths Act, 1866, except in relation to the form of oath in manner herein-before mentioned:

<2.The oath taken by privy councillors of the United Kingdom, ..., with the exception that the form of the oath of allegiance prescribed by this Act shall be substituted for the oath of allegiance, supremacy, and abjuration now required to be taken by privy councillors:

<5.Any oath taken by peers, baronets, or knights on their creation, with this exception, that where the oaths of allegiance, supremacy, or abjuration, or any two or one of such oaths, or any oath substituted for such oaths or any of them, are or is required to be taken by such peers, baronets, or knights, there shall be substituted for such oaths, or any two or one of them, the oath of allegiance prescribed by this Act:

<6.Any oath required to be taken in the Army, the Marines,...:

<7.The oath taken by aliens on being naturalized,....

Para.8 rep. by SLR 1953

<9.Any power of substituting a declaration for an oath vested in the Treasury by the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835:

10.Any oath required or authorized by Act of Parliament to be taken or made
for the purpose of attesting any fact or verifying any account or document:

12.Any oath required to be taken by any juror, witness, or other person, in
pursuance of any Act of Parliament or custom, as preliminary to or in the
course of any civil, military, criminal, or other trial, inquest, or
proceedings of a judicial nature, including any arbitration, or as preliminary
to or in the course of any proceedings before a committee of either House of
Parliament, or before any commissioner or other special tribunal appointed by
the Crown.

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