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Northern Irish Legislation

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12. The following regulations shall be enacted with respect to the
substitution of declarations for oaths; (that is to say,)

<1.Where before the passing of this Act an oath was required to be taken by any person on or as a condition of accepting any employment or office in Her Majesty's honourable band of Gentlemen at Arms or body guard of Yeomen of the Guard, or in any other department of Her Majesty's household, in such case a declaration of fidelity in office shall be substituted, with the addition (in cases where it seems meet to Her Majesty by Order in Council to make such addition) of a declaration of secrecy to be observed by the declarant with respect to matters coming within his cognizance by reason of his employment or office:

Para.2 rep. by SLR 1980

<3.Where before the passing of this Act an oath was required to be taken on or as a condition of admission to membership or fellowship or participation in the privileges of any guild, body corporate, society, or company, a declaration to the like effect of such oath shall be substituted: Provided, that if any two or more of the members of such guild, body corporate, society, or company, with the concurrence of the majority of the members present and voting at a meeting specially summoned for the purpose, object to any statement contained in such declaration on the ground of its relating to duties which by reason of change of circumstances have become obsolete, they may appeal to one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State to omit such statement, and the decision of such Secretary of State shall be final:

<4.Where in any case not otherwise provided for by this Act or included within the saving clauses thereof an oath is required to be taken by any person on or as a condition of his accepting any employment or office, a declaration shall be substituted for such oath to the like effect in all respects as such oath:

<5.The making a declaration in pursuance of this section instead of oath shall in all respects have the same effect as the taking the oath for which such declaration is substituted would have had if this Act had not passed.

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