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93.(1) Where the Ministry has issued a certificate under section 13 of the Act
of 1971 in respect of an interest in land

(a)the person for the time being entitled to that interest; or

(b)any authority possessing compulsory acquisition powers by whom that
interest is proposed to be acquired;

(2) On any appeal under this Article against a certificate, the planning
appeals commission shall consider the matters to which the certificate relates
as if the application therefor had been made to it in the first instance, and
shall either confirm the certificate or vary it or cancel it and issue a
different certificate in its place, as the commission may consider

(3) Before determining any appeal under this Article the commission shall, if
any such person or authority as is mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) to (b) so
desires, afford to each such person or authority and to the Ministry an
opportunity of appearing before and being heard by the commission.

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