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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PLANNING (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1972

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66.(1) Any person who has suffered loss or damage in consequence of any
refusal of consent to cut down, top or lop a tree which is the subject of a
tree preservation order, or of the granting of any such consent subject to
conditions, or of the revocation or modification of any such consent, shall,
if he makes a claim to the Ministry within the time and in the manner
prescribed be entitled to recover from the Ministry compensation in respect of
the loss or damage.

(2) In assessing compensation payable under paragraph (1) account shall be
taken of

(a)any compensation under paragraph (1) which has been paid whether to the
claimant or to any other person, in respect of the same tree; and

(b)any injurious affection to any land of the claimant which would result from
the felling of the tree which is the subject of the claim.

(3) Any question of disputed compensation under this Article shall be
determined by the Lands Tribunal.

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