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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> POULTRY IMPROVEMENT ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1968

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8.(1) With a view to benefiting persons carrying on businesses in the poultry
industry and making such businesses more profitable, and in particular to
securing improvements in the produce of businesses in the course of which
there is carried on any activity to which section 2(1) applies, the Ministry
may make schemes (in this Act referred to as "poultry testing schemes") for
the purposes of carrying out tests of poultry in order to determine the
comparative profitability of different types, breeds or strains, and to
implement any such scheme may, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance,
acquire land and establish and operate, or continue to operate, testing

(2) A poultry testing scheme may include provisions for requiring any holder
of a poultry stock licence to supply at his own expense hatching eggs or
poultry for inclusion in the tests.

(3) A poultry testing scheme may also include provisions empowering
the Ministry to impose on and recover from holders of poultry stock licences
such charges (including charges calculated by reference to an amount or
quantity produced) for the purpose of meeting costs incurred in connection
with the provision of any service or facility under this section as may with
the approval of the Ministry of Finance be specified in the scheme.

(4) Where a scheme contains any provision such as is mentioned in subsection
(2) it shall specify the limitations within which any requirement under that
subsection may be imposed.

Restriction on sale of chicks.

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