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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> POULTRY IMPROVEMENT ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1968

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7.(1) An authorised officer shall for the purposes of this Act have power (on
production, if required, of his credentials)

(a)to enter, at any reasonable time,

(i)any premises with respect to which an application for a
poultry stock licence has been made, or

(ii)any premises with respect to which a poultry stock licence is in force, or

<(iii)any premises with respect to which no poultry stock licence is in force but which he has reasonable cause to believe to be premises in which there is carried on any activity requiring such a licence by virtue of section 2;

(b)to inspect any such premises and the services and facilities available
thereto and any plant, equipment, utensils, eggs or poultry, and the working
procedures practised, therein, and without payment (except as provided in
subsection (2)) to take reasonable samples of any eggs or poultry found in any
such premises, or samples of blood or mucus of any such poultry;

(c)to inspect and take extracts from and to verify any records required to be
kept by virtue of any provision of this Act.

(2) Where, under subsection (1)(b), an authorised officer takes any poultry
not suffering from any illness the Ministry shall, if so requested by the
owner of the poultry within fourteen days from the date on which the poultry
was taken, pay to the owner a sum equivalent to the market value thereof.

Poultry testing schemes.

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