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Northern Irish Legislation

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Register of premises.

6.(1) The Ministry shall for the purposes of this Act cause to be kept one or
more than one register of premises with respect to which
poultry stock licences are issued, and shall cause to be entered in the
register (or, if more than one register is kept, the appropriate register)
with respect to each such licence

(a)the full name and address of the licence-holder;

(b)particulars of the premises with respect to which the licence is issued;

(c)the class or description of activity carried on in the premises;

(d)such other particulars as may be prescribed.

(2) Any register under this section may be kept either by making entries in a
bound book or by recording the matters in question in any other manner.

(3) The Ministry may make arrangements for the publication of any register
kept under this section, or any extract therefrom, in such manner as
the Ministry thinks fit.

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