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Northern Irish Legislation

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Conditions of poultry stock licences.

4.(1) The Ministry may prescribe conditions subject to which
poultry stock licences shall have effect, and any conditions so prescribed
which by virtue of the regulations are applicable to, or to the premises of,
the holder of any such licence, together with the further conditions, if any,
specified in the licence shall, for the purposes of this Act, be the
conditions of the licence.

(2) The conditions which may be prescribed include conditions with respect to

(a)the classes, descriptions and age of poultry to be kept in the premises
with respect to which a poultry stock licence is in force (in this subsection
referred to as "the premises");

(b)the bringing of eggs or poultry into the premises;

(c)the identification of eggs or poultry in the premises;

(d)the keeping of records of eggs or poultry in, brought into or sent from the

(e)the keeping of records of illness and death of poultry kept in the

(f)the furnishing of returns to the Ministry;

(g)the notification by the licence-holder to the Ministry of abnormal numbers
of deaths of poultry in the premises or of circumstances from which the
existence of any poultry disease in the premises may be inferred;

(h)the observance of any rules made or directions given by the Ministry in
connection with the disposal of carcases, faeces and any other infective

(i)the submission of samples of carcases for examination by the Ministry;

(j)the cleansing and disinfection of the premises and of any plant, equipment
or utensils therein.

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