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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> POULTRY IMPROVEMENT ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1968

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2.(1) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, a person shall not
in the course of any business of his carry on any of the following activities,
that is to say,

(a)operate a hatchery in any premises; or

(b)on or after such day as may be appointed by order of the Minister of
Agriculture, operate an incubator in any premises; or

(c)on or after such day or days as may be so appointed, use any premises for

(i)the production for sale, supply or distribution of eggs for hatching; or

(ii)the rearing of poultry for sale, supply or distribution before they attain
the age of six months;

(2) Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall not apply with respect to premises
in which an incubator is operated solely for the purpose of providing stock
for the business of the person who operates the incubator, if no part of that
business involves any of the activities mentioned in paragraph (c) of that

(3) Subsection (1)(c)(ii) shall not apply with respect to any premises from
which poultry is sold, supplied or distributed solely for immediate slaughter.

(4) The Ministry may by permit in writing grant an exemption with respect to
any premises from the provisions of subsection (1) to any person who satisfies
the Ministry that, so far as the premises are or will be used for

(a)the rearing for sale, supply or distribution of poultry, or

(b)the production for sale, supply or distribution of eggs for hatching, or

(c)the hatching of eggs,

Poultry stock licences.

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