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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PUBLIC HEALTH ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1967

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9.(1) Any person who ceases to occupy a house or caravan in which to his
knowledge a person has, within the previous six weeks been suffering from a
notifiable disease, shall either

(a)have the house or caravan, and all articles therein liable to retain
infection, disinfected to the satisfaction of [the chief administrative
medical officer of a Health and Social Services Board] or some other
medical practitioner; or

(b)give notice to the owner of the house or caravan of the previous existence
of the disease,

(2) [The Health and Social Services Board] shall give notice of the provisions
of this section to the occupier and also to the owner of any house or caravan
in which they are aware that there is a person suffering from a
notifiable disease, so however that failure to give such notice shall not
constitute a defence to any proceedings in respect of a contravention of
subsection (1).

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