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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PUBLIC HEALTH ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1967

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Power to prohibit certain work on premises where notifiable disease occurs.

6.(1) Where a notifiable disease occurs on any premises, [the
Health and Social Services Board] may, whether the person suffering from the
disease has been removed from the premises or not, by notice prohibit any work
to which this section applies from being given out to any person living or
working on those premises, or on such part thereof as may be specified in the

(2) A notice under this section may be expressed to operate for a specified
time or until the premises to which it relates or any part thereof specified
in the notice have been disinfected to the satisfaction of [the chief
administrative medical officer of the Health and Social Services Board], or
may be expressed to be inoperative so long as any other reasonable precautions
specified in the notice are taken.

(3) A notice under this section shall be served on the occupier of any factory
or other place from which work is given out, and on any agent or independent
contractor employed or engaged by any such occupier.

(4) If any occupier, agent or independent contractor on whom a notice under
this section has been served fails to comply with the requirements of the
notice, he shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.

(5) The work to which this section applies is the making, cleaning, washing,
altering, ornamenting, finishing or repairing of wearing apparel, bed
clothing, handkerchiefs and napery and any work incidental thereto, and to
such other classes of work as the Ministry may prescribe.

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