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Powers of entry.

22.(1) An authorised officer of [a Health and Social Services Board] shall, on
producing, if so required, a duly authenticated document showing his
authority, have the right to enter any premises for all or any of the
following purposes

(a)ascertaining whether there is, or has been, on, or in connection with, the
premises any contravention of this Part or of any regulations made thereunder;

(b)ascertaining whether circumstances exist which would authorise or require
[the Board] to take any action, or execute any work, under this Part or any
such regulations;

(c)taking any action, or executing any work, authorised or required by this
Part, or any such regulations, or any order made under this Part, to be taken,
or executed by [the Board].

(2) Admission shall not be demanded as of right under subsection (1) to any
premises actually in use as a dwelling house unless twenty-four hours notice
of the intended entry has been given to the occupier.

[(2A) An authorised officer entering any premises by virtue of this section
may take with him such other person as may be necessary.]

(3) Any person who hinders or obstructs the entry of an authorised officer
under this section shall be guilty of an offence under this Part.[

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