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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PUBLIC HEALTH ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1967

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Cleansing and disinfection of premises and articles therein.

21.(1) Where [a Health and Social Services Board] are satisfied, upon a
certificate of [the chief administrative medical officer of the Board], that
the cleansing or disinfection of any premises, or the disinfection or
destruction of any articles therein likely to retain infection, would tend to
prevent the spread of any infectious disease, [the Board] shall give notice in
writing to the occupier of the premises that they will at his cost cleanse or
disinfect, or cleanse and disinfect, the premises and disinfect or, as the
case may require, destroy any such articles therein, unless, within
twenty-four hours after the receipt of the notice, he informs them that within
a time to be fixed by the notice he will take such steps as are specified

(2) If within twenty-four hours after the receipt of a notice under subsection
(1) the occupier does not inform [the Board] as aforesaid, or if, having so
informed [the Board], he fails to take such steps as aforesaid to the
satisfaction of [the chief administrative medical officer of the Board] within
the time fixed by the notice, [the Board] may cause the premises to be
cleansed or disinfected, or to be cleansed and disinfected, and the articles
to be disinfected or destroyed, as the case may require, and may, if they
think fit, recover summarily as a civil debt due to [the Board] from the
person in default the expenses reasonably incurred by them in so doing.

(3) Where [the Health and Social Services Board] are of opinion that the
occupier of any premises is unable effectually to take such steps as [the
Board] consider necessary for the purposes of this section, [the Board] may,
with the consent of the occupier and without giving a notice under subsection
(1), take such steps at their own expense.

(4) [A Health and Social Services Board] may pay compensation to any person
who has suffered loss by reason of any disinfection or destruction carried out
by them under this section.

(5) In this section "occupier" includes, in the case of unoccupied premises,
the person entitled to immediate possesion thereof.

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