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Duty of medical practitioner on diagnosis of notifiable disease.

2.(1) Every medical practitioner attending on a person shall as soon as he
becomes aware, or has reasonable grounds for suspecting, that that person is
suffering from a notifiable disease, send to [the chief administrative medical
officer of the Health and Social Services Board] for the area in which the
examination took place a certificate stating

(a)the name, age, sex and address of the patient,

(b)the address of the building in which the examination took place, and

(c)the notifiable disease from which, in the opinion of the
medical practitioner, the patient is, or may be, suffering.

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not apply where a
medical practitioner diagnoses or suspects the occurrence of a
notifiable disease in the Northern Ireland Fever Hospital or in any other
hospital which the Ministry may designate for the purpose of this subsection.

(3) Each [Health and Social Services Board] shall supply a sufficient quantity
of forms for the purposes of subsection (1) to every medical practitioner
carrying on practice in their area.

(4) [A Health and Social Services Board] shall pay to a medical practitioner
for each certificate duly sent by him under subsection (1) such fee as may be

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