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Power of Health and Social Services Board to remove temporarily inmates from building in which infectious disease occurs.

17.(1) Where any infectious disease occurs in a building, or where [a
Health and Social Services Board] deem it necessary to disinfect any building,
[the Board], acting on the advice of its [chief administrative medical
officer], may

(a)cause any person who is not himself suffering from the disease and who
consents to leave the building, or where the person is a child, with the
consent of the person having care of him, to be removed therefrom to any
temporary shelter or house accommodation provided by [the Board];

(b)cause any such person to be so removed without any consent, if a court of
summary jurisdiction, being satisfied, on the application of [the
Health and Social Services Board], of the necessity for the removal, makes an
order in that behalf, which order shall be subject to such conditions, if any,
as may be specified therein.

(2) [A Health and Social Services Board] may provide and shall defray the cost
of the provision of temporary shelter or house accommodation for the purposes
of this section.

(3) [The Health and Social Services Board] shall in every case cause the
removal to be effected and the conditions of any order to be satisfied without
charge to the person removed.

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