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Exclusion of children from places of entertainment or assembly to prevent spread of infectious disease.

16.(1) For the purpose of preventing the spread of an infectious disease, [a
Health and Social Services Board], acting on the advice of its [chief
administrative medical officer], may by notice prohibit or restrict the
admission of persons under the prescribed age to any place to which this
section applies for such period as is specified therein, and the notice may
contain exemptions from the prohibitions or restrictions which it imposes, and
any such exemption may be made subject to compliance with such conditions as
may be specified in the notice.

(2) A notice under this section shall be published in one or more newspapers
circulating in the area and in such other manner as [the
Health and Social Services Board] think necessary for bringing it to the
attention of persons affected thereby.

Subs.(3) rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

(4) If the person responsible for the management or control of a place to
which a notice under subsection (1) applies, admits, or permits the admission
of, any person under the prescribed age to that place, he shall be guilty of
an offence under this Part but it shall be a good defence to any prosecution
under this section to prove that there were reasonable grounds for believing
that the person admitted had attained the prescribed age.

(5) In this section "prescribed age" in relation to a notice means such age,
not exceeding sixteen years, as may be prescribed by the notice.

(6) This section applies to

(a)any building or part of a building used as a theatre, cinematograph
theatre, public hall, public concert-room, lecture room, public dance room,
amusement arcade, public gymnasium, skating or roller skating rink or indoor
swimming baths, and

(b)any sports ground, outdoor swimming baths or pool, or skating or roller
skating rink, to which the public are admitted, whether on payment of an
admission fee or not, and

(c)any circus, show, fair, fete or amusement park, and

(d)any other public place of entertainment or recreation.

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