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15.(1) If any person is a carrier of, or has been exposed to the risk of
infection from, an infectious disease, [the chief administrative medical
officer of a Health and Social Services Board] may, for the purpose of
preventing the spread of the disease,

(a)request the person forthwith to discontinue any trade, business or
occupation in which he is engaged; and

(b)if that request is not complied with, serve on the person a notice in
writing requiring him so to discontinue his trade, business or occupation.

(2) If a notice served under subsection (1)(b) is not complied with, [the
chief administrative medical officer of the Health and Social Services Board]
may apply to a resident magistrate for an order requiring the person upon whom
the notice was served to discontinue forthwith any trade, business or
occupation in which he is engaged.

(3) An order made under subsection (2) shall continue in force indefinitely or
until a date expressed in the order, so, however, that a resident magistrate
may at any time revoke the order on the application of [the chief
administrative medical officer of the Health and Social Services Board] or the
person affected by the order.

(4) Where a person discontinues a trade, business or occupation in compliance
with a request made or notice served under subsection (1) or an order made
under subsection (2), [the Health and Social Services Board] shall pay him
compensation for any pecuniary loss suffered by him by reason of such

(5) Where a request is made or where a notice is served under subsection (1)
on a person by reason of the fact that he is deemed under section 3(2)(b) to
be a carrier of an infectious disease, subsection (3) shall not apply to that
person until he has complied with the order made under section 3(1) and no
compensation shall be payable to him in respect of any period prior to the
date on which he so complies.

(6) Any question or dispute as to the amount of compensation payable under
subsection (3) may be referred by either party to a tribunal established under
section 13 of the Industrial Training Act (Northern Ireland) 1964.

Subs.(7) rep. by 1972 NI 14 art.109(3) sch.18

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