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Power of resident magistrate to order dead body to be removed to mortuary or buried forthwith.

14.(1) If a resident magistrate is satisfied, on a certificate of [the chief
administrative medical officer of a Health and Social Services Board], or on a
certificate of some other medical practitioner, that the retention of a dead
body in any building would endanger the health of persons residing in or
resorting to that building or any adjoining or neighbouring building, the
magistrate may order that the body be removed to a mortuary, and that
arrangements be made to bury it within a time limited by the order, or, if the
magistrate considers immediate burial necessary, immediately.

(2) An order under subsection (1) shall be served on such relative of the
deceased as the resident magistrate may direct, or if it appears that that
deceased did not have any relative upon whom the order might be served, on
[the Health and Social Services Board] for the area, so however that failure
to serve an order shall not constitute a defence to an action for the recovery
of expenses under subsection (4).

(3) Immediate cremation of a body or its cremation within the time limited for
the burial of the body by an order under subsection (1), shall be a sufficient
compliance with such an order.

(4) [The Health and Social Services Board] shall, where

(a)an order under subsection (1) has been served on a relative of the deceased
and that relative has failed to comply with the order, or

(b)the order has been served on them,

Power to require person in contact with infectious disease to discontinue
employment and compensation therefor.

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